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Building Anvil from Source


Anvil requires a recent version of Go installed. The build will download any required Go modules automatically from the internet, but the GIO UI library has some external dependencies if you are building on Linux. See the GIO install page for the list.

Standard Build Instructions

The usual build method should be run on Linux. In the source code base directory, run the command:


This will build anvil and the aad and awin tools for Linux and Windows. The final binaries/executables are found in the base directory:

  • anvil.exe: The windows executable for Anvil
  • anvil-con.exe: A windows executable for Anvil that also opens a Windows console to show text written to standard out
  • awin.exe: The windows executable for awin
  • aad.exe: The windows executable for aad
  • anvil: The Linux executable for Anvil
  • awin: The Linux executable for awin
  • aad: The Linux executable for aad

Alternate Build Instructions

If you are building on Windows or don't want to use for some reason, you can instead cd to specific subdirectories and build the binary using go build. You can do that in the following directories:

  • src/anvil: To build Anvil
  • tools/awin: To build awin
  • tools/autodump: To build aad