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Supported Platforms and Limitations

Supported Platforms

Anvil has been confirmed to run on Windows and Linux. It may be possible to run on Mac but it hasn't been tested.

Anvil can been confirmed to edit remote files on Linux. It may be possible to edit remote files on other Unix systems but it hasn't been tested.


Anvil has a number of limitations:

  • Anvil only supports UTF-8 encoded text, and so by extension ASCII text.
  • Anvil only supports TTF fonts
  • Anvil expects Unix line endings: lines must end with a newline only. Text that contains carriage returns followed by newlines is stripped of carriage-returns when pasted into Anvil.
  • Editing remote files requires the remote host to be running SSH, and to allow executing the sh and cat commands, as well as an ls command that supports the -A (do not list implied . and ..) and -p (append '/' indicator to directories) options.